

I wrote a neovim plugin called splitjoin.nvim to handle a common task when editing code: splitting and joining lists. The plugin is inspired by the venerable old vim-mode-plus and takes the place of the older, more established, but envimscriptened SplitJoin.vim by Andrew Radev.

Install it with lazy.nvim

return { 'bennypowers/splitjoin.nvim',
  lazy = true,
  keys = {
    { 'gj', function() require'splitjoin'.join() end, desc = 'Join the object under cursor' },
    { 'g,', function() require'splitjoin'.split() end, desc = 'Split the object under cursor' },
  opts = {
    -- default_indent = '  ' -- default is two spaces

Give it a whirl and LMK what you think. If you like it, I'd be happy if you left a on the GitHub repo.

👉 splitjoin.nvim