This is a bonus post in a series I'm working covering web components.
Part 4, on the Polymer library, is on the way. While we're waiting, check out this neat problem a student approached me with that we can solve with web standards:
They were using a library to render a WebGL globe inside a Vue component. They
wanted to generate a set of markers and then track which markers were opened
and which were closed. The WebGL library provided some APIs for attaching a
string of innerHTML
to each marker's popup, but didn't expose any APIs to
track open, close, or click events.
I had a bit of a devilish thought 😈. If we can't add behaviour to the library popups, but we can add HTML, what if we added HTML that encapsulates its own behaviour?
🎩 Web Components to the Rescue!! 👨💻
Defining <popup-tooltip>
What we needed was an HTML element that fires an event every time it's
containing popup opens or closes. The WebGL lib used style="visibility: visible"
to open and close popups, so we'll create an element that uses
to observe it's own parents.
class PopupTooltip extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
this.observerCallback = this.observerCallback.bind(this);
this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'});
this.shadowRoot.appendChild(document.createElement('slot')); = new MutationObserver(this.observerCallback);
connectedCallback() {
// HACK: WebGL library toggles style.visibility on it's own
// generated DOM to hide and show tooltips.
const libraryContainer = this.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement;
const config = { attributes: true, subtree: false, children: false };, config);
observerCallback([{target}]) {
const visible = === 'visible';
const type = 'popup-' + visible ? 'opened' : 'closed';
const bubbles = true;
const composed = true;
const detail = this;
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(type, { bubbles, composed, detail }));
customElements.define('popup-tooltip', PopupTooltip);
Connecting to the Vue Wrapper
So now we have a <popup-tooltip>
element which will fire a popup-opened
event any time it's container's visibility is toggled by the
WebGL library. We set up listener's in the private DOM of the wrapping Vue
<!-- WebGL lib instanciates on '#earth' -->
<div id="earth" @popup-opened="onPopupOpened" @popup-closed="onPopupClosed"></div>
Creating Each Popup
Then when we instantiated the WebGL lib and passed our data, we set up the
markers to display a <popup-tooltip>
element in it's tooltip content.
geoMarkers.forEach(marker => {
const location = marker.latLng;
const glMarker = new WebGLLib.popup({/*...*/});
// NB: popupHTML is **just HTML**, there's no framework or library here.
const popupHTML = `<popup-tooltip data-location="${location}">${marker.title}</popup-tooltip>`;
// `bindPopup` is a method on our WebGL library's marker API.
glMarker.bindPopup(popupHTML, config);
The last thing we had to do was track which popups were opened and which closed.
onPopupOpened({target: {dataset: {location}}}) {
const [lat, lng] = location.split(',');
console.log(`opened: lat: ${lat} lng: ${lng}`);
You don't need to give up your frameworks to use web components. You can use them anywhere you can use HTML and JavaScript. That's precisely what made web-components a win here: our GL library didn't take Vue components as input, it took a string of HTML.
See you in a few days for part 4 on the Polymer library.
Would you like a one-on-one mentoring session on any of the topics covered