Semantic Component Testing

An Alternative to Visual Regression that Puts Usability First

Familiar Component Testing Approaches

  • DOM Property Testing
  • DOM Snapshots
  • Visual Regression

DOM Property Testing

FireFox Developer Tools: console.assert($0.rounded === false)

When I call the open() method, the expanded DOM property should be true.

DOM Property Testing PROs

  • Easy-to-write assertions
  • Focused on public state and methods

DOM Property Testing CONs

  • Low degree of confidence
  • Can only assert one aspect at a time
  • No insight into the DOM, accessibility tree, or styles

DOM snapshots

HTML diff in gnome meld app

When I call the open() method, the shadow root's HTML should match the last known-good snapshot.

DOM Snapshot PROs

  • High degree of confidence
  • Validates the entire DOM, holistically
  • Assertions are even simpler to write

DOM Snapshot CONs

  • Tightly coupled to (private) DOM structure
  • Manual snapshot validation
  • Can only validate serializable state
// setting default semantics
this.#internals.ariaLabel = "Pick a card"
this.#comboboxElement // shadow
  .ariaActiveDescendantElement =
    this.querySelector('x-option[active]'); // light

Some of these issues can be resolved by normalizing the actual and expected HTML with pkgs like semantic-dom-diff

Visual Regression

image comparison of two screenshots

When I call the open() method, after all animation stops, the element should match the last known-good screenshot to within a 1% margin of error.

Visual Regression PROs

  • Extremely high confidence
  • Direct visual feedback is great for reviewers

Visual Regression CONs

  • No insight into DOM or AX tree
  • Can be flaky esp. cross-platform
  • Same maintenance issues as DOM snapshots

Accessibility Audits

lighthouse report

Does the content of the page pass all automated aXe audits?

Accessibility Audits - PROS

  • Good for whole pages / apps
  • Provides comprehensive reports

Accessibility Audits - CONS

  • Performance issues
    • Runs all tests every time
  • May not have access to in-memory state
    • Potential for false positives

The Accessibility Tree

Firefox dev tools screenshot of the accessibility tree inspector

Accessibility Dev Tools

Firefox accessibility dev tools Chrome accessibility dev tools Webkit accessibility dev tools

The Accessibility Tree - Playwright

  • Playwright provides access to the browser's AX Tree
  • It's not perfect, but it provides lots of info
  "role": "WebArea",
  "name": "",
  "children": [{
    "role": "combobox",
    "name": "options",
    "expanded": true,
    "focused": true,
    "autocomplete": "both",
    "haspopup": "listbox"
  }, {
    "role": "button",
    "name": "options",
    "expanded": true
  }, {
    "role": "listbox",
    "name": "options",
    "orientation": "vertical",
    "children": [{
      "role": "option",
      "name": "Select an Option",
      "disabled": true
    }, {
      "role": "option",
      "name": "1"
    }, {
      "role": "option",
      "name": "2"
    }, {
      "role": "option",
      "name": "3"
    }, {
      "role": "option",
      "name": "4"
    }, {
      "role": "option",
      "name": "5"
    }, {
      "role": "option",
      "name": "6"
    }, {
      "role": "option",
      "name": "7"
    }, {
      "role": "option",
      "name": "8"
    }, {
      "role": "option",
      "name": "9"
    }, {
      "role": "option",
      "name": "10"

Semantic Assertions

Instead of asserting on the state of the DOM, or on the state of the visual renderer, assert on the state of the accessibility tree

   "role": "combobox",
   "name": "options",
-  "expanded": false,
+  "expanded": true,
   "focused": true,
   "autocomplete": "both",
   "haspopup": "listbox"

When I click the combobox toggle, assistive technology should have access to the listbox

Semantic Assertions - Snapshots

Same issues as other kinds of snapshot testing

describe('clicking the first button', function() {
  it('remains closed', async function() {
    expect(await a11ySnapshot()).to.deep.equal({
      name: '',
      role: 'WebArea',
      children: [
        { role: 'button', name: 'Toggle 1', focused: true },
        { role: 'button', name: 'Toggle 2' },

Semantic Assertions - Mocha / Chai

describe('click combobox button', function() {
  beforeEach(() => clickElementAtCenter(element));
  it('expands the listbox', async function() {
    expect(await a11ySnapshot())
  it('focuses on the first item', async function() {
    expect(await a11ySnapshot())

Semantic Assertions - PROS

  • Puts usability first
  • The curb cut effect

curb cuts

the curb cut here is that we can test for correctness based on effects, rather than by asserting on the private DOM structure

Semantic Assertions - CONS

  • Playwright's AX Tree may not deliver all features
  • Playwright wants to deprecate 😨

github thread about deprecating playwright features


Usability? Reports? Components? Performant?
DOM Property Testing
DOM Snapshots
Visual Regression
a11y Audits
Semantic Testing
