
(h, j, k, l)


  • I Have Two Problems
  • const [, pkg] =

Atom Expat

  • 🧰 Hackability 🔌 Plugins 🐿️ TreeSitter
  • atom-regex-railroad screenshot of atom-regex-railroad plugin, showing the
plugin graphically illustrating the contents of a regular expression which
appears in the main buffer of the editor

Headline: GitHub's new CEO promises to save Atom post-Microsoft acquisition

Do YOU know any hackable editors?

screenshot of nvim plugin template git repo, cursor hovers on "use this template"

Doing NeoVim

  • 🌘 Moon-Oriented Programming 🖥️
  • 🐒 Climbing Trees 🌴

Code Spelunking

  • Components

    ⚙️ What are we saying?

  • Renderers

    ✍️ How are we saying it?

  • Buffers

    🪟 Where are we saying it?


local cursor_node = ts_utils.get_node_at_cursor()
local cursor_node = ts_utils.get_node_at_cursor()
local regexp_node = do_awful_hacks(cursor_node)


Everything we need

  • do hacks to cross between host language and regex trees
  • there's lots of room for improvement here
  1. Combine sequential pattern_characters
  2. Track capture groups and nesting levels
  3. Translate control chars / quantifiers
  4. Try to handle negative lookbehinds
  "regexp_string": "hello d([0-9]|o)lly",
  "components": [{
      "text": "hello d",
      "type": "pattern_character"
    }, {
      "capture_group": 1,
      "depth": 1,
      "text": "([0-9]|o)",
      "type": "anonymous_capturing_group",
      "children": [{
        "text": "[0-9]|o",
        "type": "alternation",
        "children": [{
          "text": "[0-9]",
          "type": "term",
          "children": [{
            "text": "0-9",
            "type": "class_range"
        }, {
          "text": "o",
          "type": "pattern_character"
    }, {
      "text": "lly",
      "type": "pattern_character"


local M: Renderer = {}

return M
local M: Renderer = {}

function M.set_lines(buffer: Renderer,
                     lines: {string}): {string}

return M
local M: Renderer = {}

function M.set_lines(buffer: Renderer,
                     lines: {string}): {string}

function M.get_lines(components: {Component},
                     options: Options,
                     state: RendererState): {string}

return M


  • demo of popup buffer
  • demo of split buffer
  • demo of debug buffer
  • demo of scratch buffer

Constructing a Narrative

function M.render(buffer: Buffer,
                  renderer: Renderer,
                  components: {Component},
                  options: Options,
                  state: RendererState)
  local lines = renderer
    .get_lines(components, options, state)
  buffer:init(lines, options, state)
  renderer.set_lines(buffer, lines)
  buffer:after(lines, options, state)

Demo Time!

Contributions Welcome

  • 💻 Graphic output
  • 👀 Negative Lookbehind
  • 🔨 Refactoring
  • 🥼 Tests


Benny Powers

Principal UX Engineer @
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